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* BACKWARD III, The ST emulator for FALCON 030 *
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* © 1993-95 C.Dupuydauby, written with Devpack II and Interface. *
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* release 1.00 *
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Preliminary Note:
Backward III release numbers starts from 1.00.
V III rel 1.00 (06/09/95)
- first public release.
- Two new options : Ignore IDE and no Atari Logo.
- Pressing shift while booting allows to disable Backward.
- German translation for the library manager.
Bugs corrected:
- it was impossible to use any mono modes on rel 0.99. Fixed.
- another small fix in the SetScreen code.
V III rel 0.99 (05/15/95)
- first release distributed to a few users.
- introducing a new method: Backward is now a resident program which can be
accessed through a Library Manager.
- the library manager is a real crap, it must be rewritten.
- ehancer completely rewritten, more efficient and faster code.
- a few internal aesthetic fixes.
V 2.83
Last version for the year 1994.
- The Dekstop memory hole is fixed for TOS 4.01 also. Sadly, nothing can be
done for the vsf_udpat call (the TOS 4.01 is really too buggy).
V 2.82:
- Double-clicking on a setup and choosing cancel and the disk-error box simply
destroy the config. As it means hard-work and as this bug has not been
reported, it is very likely to remain as is.
- Better color escape-codes handling (Bios level instead of Dos level).
V 2.81:
- Various small improvments.
- A patch for the Fattrib call.
- A patch for the Desktop. It used to allocate memory which was never released.
V 2.80:
- A bunch of GemDos patches, LPRINT should work on GFA Basic.
- A VDI fix, now UMS II display is correct.
V 2.73
- Swedish translation is almost complete.
V 2.72
- A0 register is saved for some GEMDOS calls.
V 2.71
- Various improvments.
V 2.70
Bugs corrected:
- Canceling a disk access after an error caused three bombs, corrected now.
- A patch program is provided, see the included readme.
- Use of macros for patch program.
- first patches for LineA and GEM calls.
V 2.64
Improvments :
- Disk oriented system calls are now seriously corrected.
V 2.63
Improvments :
- New TOS Patches.
V 2.62
Improvments :
- New TOS Patches for disk handling. Timer C is set when needed. Lotus
Esprit Turbo Challenge II works now (and others).
V 2.61
Improvments :
- New TOS Patches for IKBD handling. Falcon (the game) works now !
- Privilege error handling (MOVE SR,ea).
- Start for specific patch handling.
Bug corrected :
- Screen base address is now ST like at boot time.
V 2.60
Improvments :
- Special mode code has been improved. It consumes less CPU time.
- New features, 50/60Hz handling and autoboot mode.
- Keyboard reset offered all the time.
Bugs corrected :
- A small bug in the Bus error handling, which seems to have had no effect.
V 2.52
Improvments :
- Sound Handling ! With keyboard shortcuts.
- SCC interruption vectors are protected.
V 2.50
Improvments :
- New option: GEM on/off !
- Built in Minidesk™.
- Autostart with Control key.
Bugs corrected :
- Stack size has been extended; may correct some bugs ?
- Problems with TOS 4.01 fixed. Those bugs were mentionned only by one person !
Bugs :
- There may be some bugs with Minidesk.
V 2.41
Improvments :
- Memory protection.
- Antivirus check.
Bugs corrected :
- TOS 4.04 should now be really handled. Unchecked !
- 'Remove Disk' option used to remove two Disks at a time. Corrected now!
V 2.40
Improvment :
- Line F emulation has been reintroduced (it was removed since V 2.00).
Bugs corrected :
- A few minor fixes.
- Handling of unknown ROMs should work correctly now.
V 2.31
Bugs corrected:
- A silly (really silly) bug when double clicking on a Disk has been corrected.
V 2.30
Improvments :
- TOS 4.04 Handling (Unchecked !).
- New feature (Delete Disk).
Bugs :
- Still redraw bugs with Winnix.
- It seems there are some problems with GEMRAM (not sure).
V 2.24
Improvments :
- Minor modifications to interface (some nice icons now).
Bugs :
- A few redraw problems under Winnix (don't know which is in fault).
- some problems with TSR's program if ROMs are unknown.
Bugs corrected :
- A LOT of redraw bugs (found thanks to Winix).
- A MAJOR bug: Backward could not reboot if ROMs were unknown; thanks to those
who pointed this out.
V 2.23
Improvments :
- Blitmode call resets colormap to default. Backward corrects it now.
V 2.22
Bugs corrected :
- A big lurking bug made impossible to use hard disk on V 2.21. Sorry!
V 2.21
Bugs :
- None found ?
Bugs corrected :
- Memory management has been improved, 512Ko option should work correctly.
Improvments :
- Esc codes.
- Presets menu.
- Usage of two cookies :PMMU and BCKW.
V 2.11
Bugs :
- Memory managment must be improved while rebooting.
Bugs corrected :
- 512 Ko option is now available.
Improvments :
- Real-time set up.
- Interface redesigned with Interface II.
- 'Disk' Names can be modified.
V 2.02
Bugs :
- 512K option still disabled.
Improvments :
- Jokers in Pexec and Fopen.
- Memory handling (freemem).
- Memory protection.
V 2.01
First Shareware version.
Bugs :
- 512K option still disabled.
Bugs corrected :
- Coroner protocol has been removed. It was heavy and useless.
V 1.44
Last Freeware version.
Bugs :
- Forget the 512K option.
Bugs corrected :
- The random crash while booting has disappeared.
- A bug about instruction cache has been corrected.
V 1.43
Bugs :
- Sometimes backward crashes for no reason. Try again.
- 512 Ko option will certainly never be coded.
Bugs corrected :
- Ym correc access code has been improved. Trap vectors are set only when
they're used.
- A lot of minor bugs have been corrected from the unreleased V1.41 and V1.42.
- Screen address emulation was only effective after a resolution change on
Desktop. It has been fixed.
V 1.40
Bugs :
- Still nothing for 512 Ko.
V 1.31
- 512 Ko Option still disabled.
- Cache options were wrong till version 1.30 (flushing them instead of turning
them off). It's corrected now. But the TOS seems to reset them!
V 1.30
- 512 Ko Option doesn't work. It seems that the Falcon refuses to run with
so little memory. Not yet corrected (if ever).
Bugs corrected:
- Setting DMA Sound Interrupt Timer A may had no effect in V1.20. It's
corrected since V1.30.
- Turning off DATA cache hadn't any effect. Corrected since V1.30